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Vanessa Pigorsch
Year Joined
Specializing In
My Story
Hi there! I am a faith driven, wife and momma and I’m passionate about men’s health! I am so excited to share my story and the amazing affect Eating Elevated has had on my life. Starting at a very young age I battled with sickness. I struggled a lot with ear, nose and throat issues. I had mono multiple times in high school. In my young adult life, I got my tonsils removed because anytime I got sick it accumulated in my tonsils and antibiotics weren’t doing the trick anymore. Getting them removed seemed to have helped for a while but soon revealed it was just a band aid fix and me getting sick would just start to accumulate elsewhere in my body. I started experiencing heavy periods and would sometimes get 2 periods a month. I was having heavy chest pains (anxiety), spurts of depression and then my gut started acting up. By 24 I was having really bad gut issues. I knew from my research that it was my Gallbladder but many doctors had blown me off because “I was too young to have Gallbladder issues”. It took me literally crying to my OBGYN regarding what was going on and she got me a consultation with a GI doctor. She explained how important it is to advocate for myself because I am in charge of my body, bless her. After almost a year of trying to get to the bottom of my gut issues and having had multiple tests, they finally figured out that go figure, it indeed was my Gallbladder! It was functioning at 11% which meant it was time to get it removed. It was good for a little bit, however it slowly revealed it was yet again another band aid. I continued getting sick with pneumonia, sinus infections, I started having anxiety and depression again, periods were still a mess and I was experiencing terrible sleep paralysis and what do you know… here came the gut issues again. Doctors wanted me on birth control, anxiety/depression medication and made it seem like I would just have to live with my gut issues. I was fed up with modern medicine.
I heard about Eating Elevated from a friend of mine and I knew Ellie from school. I started following her page on Instagram. She was posting “Talk about it Tuesdays” and I remember her also posting her personal story and I felt so connected to everything she was saying. I decided to call and make an appointment. I had the privilege of meeting Megan Becker back when they were in the shed and she got me on a program. I am not kidding when I say within 2 weeks, I was a different human. I am still on my healing journey but now when I am exposed to sickness it doesn’t take me out like it used to, I recover quickly. My periods are very regular, zero depression or anxiety (parasites were running my body) and my gut is much more regulated. I tell Megan to this day she changed my life. After experiencing that level of care and healing I knew I needed to dive into holistic healthcare. My eyes were opened to so many healthier alternatives regarding lifestyle and diet and I have become passionate about letting everyone around me know that they need NRT in their life. I truly believe everyone can benefit from incorporating it into their lives. I knew this was my purpose. I enrolled into a Health coaching program and into NRT training at Ulan and God coordinated the rest. I now have the privilege of working and continuing my training with Eating Elevated. I am so very excited to show others that healing is possible and am honored to be able to play a role in their journey!
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